
You can use extensions to add dynamic content to response headers and response body.

For example, if you create a response with body { "Number": "{{randomInteger}}", "Date": "{{httpNow}}" } it will be rendered as { "Number": "165007562", "Date": "Sat, 02 Apr 2017 18:41:35 GMT" }

Below you will find all available extensions.

Load CSV data file

Save your data in trafficparrot-release-x.y.z/data/data.csv in CSV format.

To load the data in the response use {{csvDataFile 'row,col'}} in the response definition.

For example, {{csvDataFile '2,4'}} will read file trafficparrot-release-x.y.z/data/data.csv then load the 2nd row in the file and then lookup the 4th column value.

Generate random values

To generate a random value in the response use one of the following:

  1. {{randomInteger}} - A random integer, e.g. 1543243211
  2. {{randomDouble}} - A random double, e.g. -0.3476573
  3. {{randomString}} - A random String, e.g. lW7H2gRfFqALsev0zDoJ4o3qGMtNYYgs
  4. {{randomUUID}} - A random UUID, e.g. 5d0d4989-b5c1-412e-bbe6-457fd5d58493

Use request data in response *

To use request attributes in the response:

  1. {{request.url}} - URL
  2. {{request.path}} - Path
  3. {{request.path.[n]}} - N-th path element
  4. {{request.query.parameterName}} - Parameter value
  5. {{request.query.parameterName.[n]}} - N-th parameter value
  6. {{request.headers.headerName}} - First value of a header
  7. {{request.headers.[headerName]}} - First value of a header
  8. {{request.headers.headerName.[n]}}- N-th value of header
  9. {{request.cookies.cookieName}} - Cookie value
  10. {{request.body}} - Request body
(*) Implemented with ResponseTemplateTransformer

Extension functions

All of jknack Handlebars string helpers are available for use in response headers and body.

  1. {{defaultIfEmpty value ["default value"]}}} - Render a default value if the specified value is not available, for example {{defaultIfEmpty request.query.username "Username parameter was not present in the request"}}
  2. {{substring value start end}} - Render the beginning of the string value, for example {{defaultIfEmpty request.query.username 0 3}}
  3. {{substring value start}} - Render the end of the string value, for example {{defaultIfEmpty request.query.username 5}}
  4. {{replace value "aaa" "bbb"}} - Replace string aaa with bbb
  5. {{abbreviate value 5}} - Render a truncated version of a string. Minimum value is 4.
  6. {{yesno value [yes="yes"] [no="no"] maybe=["maybe"]}} - Convert a boolean "true", "false" to a string representation
  7. {{capitalize value [fully=false]}} - Capitalize a string
  8. {{stripTags value}} - Remove all HTML or XML tags from the string
  9. {{stringFormat string param0 param1 ... paramN}} - Format the string
  10. {{slugify value}} - Create a slug, for example "a b c" will be rendered as "a-b-c"
  11. {{numberFormat number ["format"] [locale=default]}} - Format a number for a given locale or format
  12. {{now ["format"] [tz=timeZone|timeZoneId]}} - Date is a specified format and timezone
  13. {{upper value}} - Uppercase string
  14. {{lower value}} - Lowercase string
  15. {{rjust value 20 [pad=" "]}} - Right adjust string
  16. {{ljust value 20 [pad=" "]}} - Left adjust string
  17. {{cut value [" "]}} - Cut out all the occurrences in the string
  18. {{center value size=19 [pad="char"]}} - Center string value padded with the specified character
  19. {{capitalizeFirst value}} - Capitalize first word
  20. {{join value "," [prefix="aPrefix"] [suffix="aSuffix"]}} - Join an array of values

Loops and iterators

All block helpers defined in handlebars specification are available. As an example the following use of {{#each}} in a response body will render all request headers:
  {{#each request.headers}}

Conditionals (if, else)

All block helpers defined in handlebars specification are available. As an example the following use of {{#if}} in a response body will render a different response based on availability of a request paramater:
{{#if request.query.password}}
  Password was present in the request.
  Please provide a password!


  1. {{httpNow}} - Date in RFC 1123 format (HTTP date format), e.g. Date: {{httpNow}} can be rendered as Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 10:55:05 GMT. Typically used as a value for the "Date" header.

Ask for new extensions

If you need new extensions just email us at support@trafficparrot.com we will will do our best to create them for you.

Disabling {{...}}

If you would like to use {{...}} notation in your templates and not having it interpreted as an attempt to use an extension you need to do one of the following things:
  1. For individual responses, use escaped syntax: \{{...}}
  2. Or, disable extensions globally by setting trafficparrot.virtualservice.responsetemplate.enabled=false in trafficparrot.properties and restarting Traffic Parrot

Create your own extensions

In order to create your own extensions basic Java programming language knowledge is required. We use Java to write extensions because it is a simple to use and yet very powerful language. It is also the most popular programming language in the world. If this is not something you can do, we can create the extensions for you instead.

Please download the SDK and follow the instructions in the video below.

Alternatively follow these steps:
  1. Open the SDK project in an IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse
  2. Create a new extension class based on the examples provided in the SDK. If the name of the class you have created is FooBar the extension you will use in response templates will be called {{fooBar}}
  3. Build the project ./mvnw clean install
  4. Copy target/trafficparrot-sdk-workspace-x.y.z.jar to directory trafficparrot-enterprise-release-x.y.z/lib/virtualservice-x.y.z
  5. Look for property trafficparrot.virtualservice.responsetemplate.extensions in trafficparrot.properties and add your new class to the list of extension classes there.
  6. Stop Traffic Parrot
  7. Start Traffic Parrot
If you cannot see a video frame below please download it here

Old version warning!

This documentation is for an old version of Traffic Parrot. There is a more recent Traffic Parrot version available for download at trafficparrot.com

Browse documentation for recent version