curl -v http://localhost:8080/thrift/management/sendThriftMessage -d send-mapping-id=fc7ee4ad-e247-49a8-8528-af20845adde9 -d send-to-host-port=localhost:5562
"postServeActions" : [ { "name" : "send-jms-message", "parameters" : { "jmsConnectionId" : "(connection id from jms-connections.json)", "destination" : { "name" : "queue-name", "type" : "QUEUE" }, "variables" : { "id" : "{{randomValue length=24 type='ALPHANUMERIC'}}" }, "properties" : { "id" : "{{}}" }, "jsonBody" : { "id" : "{{}}", "fieldFromRequest" : "{{originalRequest.jsonBody.requestField}}", "fieldFromResponse" : "{{originalResponse.jsonBody.responseField}}" }, "delayDistribution" : { "type" : "fixed", "milliseconds" : 500 } } } ]
trafficparrot.okta.enabled=false trafficparrot.okta.clientId=some_client_id trafficparrot.okta.clientSecret=some_client_secret trafficparrot.okta.oktaAuthorizeUri=https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/authorize trafficparrot.okta.oktaTokenUri=https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/token trafficparrot.okta.oktaIssuerUri=https://${yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default trafficparrot.okta.oktaAudience=api://default trafficparrot.okta.oktaRedirectUri=https://some-TP-deployment-uri
{{#if (jsonPath request.body '$.[?(@.field)]') }}field is present{{/if}} {{#if (not (jsonPath request.body '$.[?(@.field)]') ) }}field is not present{{/unless}} {{#if (jsonPath request.body '$.[?(!(@.field))]') }}field is not present{{/unless}} {{#unless (jsonPath request.body '$.[?(@.field)]') }}field is not present{{/unless}}
{ "connectionId": "couchbase.db", "type": "COUCHBASE_CONNECTION", "connectionString": "couchbase://localhost:32784", "username": "Administrator", "password": "password", "warmupQuery": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bucket_a UNION SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bucket_b", "enableDnsSrv": true, "networkResolution": "auto" }
# OFF will turn off validation # DEFAULT_VALIDATION will turn on validation and provide default responses when not annotated # ONLY_ANNOTATED will turn on validation only for annotated specifications trafficparrot.openapi.request.validation.mode=OFF
paths: /items: get: parameters: # standard OpenAPI parameters with schema definitions responses: '400': content: application/json: schema: # standard OpenAPI response schema definition x-traffic-parrot-validation: # array of validations that trigger this response code
x-traffic-parrot-validation: - type: schema response: ${in} parameter ${name} has invalid value ${value} because ${reason}
x-traffic-parrot-validation: - type: schema response: code: INVALID_REQUEST message: ${in} parameter ${name} has invalid value ${value} because ${reason}
x-traffic-parrot-validation: - type: schema parameters: - name: style in: query - name: limit in: query - name: id in: path - name: X-Request-Label in: header response: code: INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER message: ${in} parameter ${name} has invalid value ${value} because ${reason}
x-traffic-parrot-validation: - type: schema parameters: - name: * in: requestBody response: code: REQUEST_BODY_INVALID message: Request body has invalid value ${value} because ${reason}
x-traffic-parrot-validation: - type: schema parameters: - name: style in: query response: code: INVALID_QUERY message: query parameter ${name} has invalid value ${value} because ${reason} - type: schema response: code: INVALID_REQUEST message: ${in} parameter ${name} has invalid value ${value} because ${reason}
{{ modifyResponse 'headerValue' 'header-name-1' 'header-value-1' }} {{ modifyResponse 'headerValue' 'header-name-2' 'header-value-2' }}
{{ randomValue length=10 type='ALPHANUMERIC' mixedcase=true }}
{{ modifyResponse 'headerValue' 'header-name' 'header-value' }}
trafficparrot.openapi.import.mode=SELECT_RESPONSE_STATUS trafficparrot.openapi.skeletons.mode=SELECT_RESPONSE_STATUS
admin=password,traffic-parrot-gui-role,traffic-parrot-gui-edit-role readonly=password,traffic-parrot-gui-role
{{ dataSource 'couchbase.db' 'INSERT INTO PERSON(KEY, VALUE) VALUES ("$id", {"id" : $id,"name" : $name})' id=1000 name='some-name' syntax='N1QL' }} {{ dataSource 'couchbase.db' 'SELECT name FROM PERSON USE KEYS "$id"' id=1000 single=true syntax='N1QL' }} {{ dataSource 'couchbase.db' 'INSERT INTO PERSON(KEY, VALUE) VALUES ("$id", $object)' id=1000 object=example syntax='N1QL' }}
{{#times 10}}{{@index}}{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}{{/times}}
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/http/mappings/bulk/UUID1,UUID2,UUID3
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/grpc/mappings/bulk/UUID1,UUID2,UUID3
com.example.Service/method -> host1:port1 com.example.packageA.* -> host2:port2 com.example.packageB.* -> host3:port3
{{now offset='2 years' format='epoch' provider='WIREMOCK'}}
{{now format='short' provider='HANDLEBARS'}}
2020-10-07 20:09:32,330 INFO Request to 'GET /test123' was received on '2020-10-07T19:09:32.326Z' from ''. Response was sent on '2020-10-07T19:09:32.397Z' to ''. Total processing time 71ms CSV file loading performance will be significantly improved.
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Insufficient configured threads: required=212 < max=200 for QueuedThreadPool[qtp318353283]@12f9af83{STARTED,8<=168<=200,i=0,r=20,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@71b3bc45{s=0/20,p=0}]The fix is to increase the number of threads Jetty can spin up. This was done by exposing two properties to configure HTTP Jetty server thread queues:
trafficparrot.gui.http.queuedThreadPool.maxThreads=200 trafficparrot.gui.http.queuedThreadPool.minThreads=8
"sslCipherSuite": "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "sslPeerName": "OU=TP IBM MQ"To provide the server and client certificates you can add the following config to jvm.args:
For more details see Connect to the queue manager via SSL/TLS channels
test@test-pcs:~/Downloads/trafficparrot-no-jre-5.x.y$ export TP_STARTUP_WAIT_MILLIS=180000 test@test-pcs:~/Downloads/trafficparrot-no-jre-5.x.y$ ./ /optf/programs/jdk1.8.0_181/bin/java Picked up environment startup timeout in milliseconds 180000
trafficparrot.virtualservice.mapping.cache.milliseconds=0 trafficparrot.virtualservice.mapping.cache.populate.on.startup=false
"readConnectionsToOpen": 5, "writeConnectionsToOpen": 5
"receiveThreads" : 5, "sendThreads" : 1
"maxMessagesInProgress": 1000000
# # This is a sample comment 1 # RequestQueueManager:'Request QM1' ResponseQueueManager:'Response QM1' RequestQueueNames:'REQ_1_A','REQ_1_B' # # This is a sample comment 2 # RequestQueueManager:'Request QM2' ResponseQueueManager:'Response QM2' RequestQueueNames:'REQ_2_A','REQ_2_B'
# # This is a sample comment # QueueManager:'Local Docker MQ 9' ProxyRequestQueue:'PROXY_PROCESS_PAYMENT' LiveRequestQueue:'PROCESS_PAYMENT' LiveResponseQueue:'PAYMENT_PROCESSESED' ProxyResponseQueue:'PROXY_PAYMENT_PROCESSESED' # # This is a sample comment # QueueManager:'Local Docker MQ 9' ProxyRequestQueue:'PROXY_CREATE_ORDER' LiveRequestQueue:'CREATE_ORDER' LiveResponseQueue:'ORDER_CREATED' ProxyResponseQueue:'PROXY_ORDER_CREATED'
This means that the standard WireMock client libraries can be used when connecting to the API port e.g. when using WireMock.configureFor("localhost", 8080, "/api/http");
Custom HTTP clients or a browser may continue to drop the /__admin section of the path so that API calls such as http://localhost:8080/api/http/mappings can be made
# # Template used for gRPC mapping file names # # Available properties: # {{ }} # {{ mapping.package }} # {{ mapping.service }} # {{ mapping.method }} # {{ mapping.isSuccess }} # {{ }} # {{ mapping.status.code }} # # Available commands: # {{ countGrpcMappings package=mapping.package service=mapping.service method=mapping.method success=true offset=1 format='%02d' }}{{ mapping.package }}.{{ countGrpcMappings package=mapping.package offset=1 format='%02d' }}.{{ mapping.service }}-{{ mapping.method }}[{{ }}]{{ }}
UNKNOWN: Traffic Parrot Virtual Service: No responses matched the given request. See the Traffic Parrot logs for more details. Request was not matched ======================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Closest stub | Request | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | helloworldgreetersayhello-38d8ac56-38fe-4a57-89b3-5af8368 | 874a5.json | | ANY | ANY helloworld.Greeter/SayHello | helloworld.Greeter/SayHello | Protocol: GRPC | Protocol: GRPC | { | { <<<<< Body does not match [equalToJson] "inputName" : "example" | "inputName" : "not matching" } | } | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configure how long to cache the proto files during replay using the trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.replay.proto.cache.milliseconds property.
A value of 0 means do not cache at all.
Configure the number of boss and worker threads of the gRPC server using the trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.boss.threads and trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.worker.threads properties.
The special value DOUBLE_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS means use double the number of processors.